Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New year 2010: a time to start afresh

Author: Mukesh Kumar

New Year 2010 is coming with a blast of happiness and people across the world are ready to embrace New Year 2010 whole heartedly. New Year symbolizes new beginning. People celebrate New Years by organizing New Year party on New Year eve, going on New Year cruises and are totally merged in the joy of celebrating the upcoming year. New Year party is a way to take a break from the tiring journey of previous year and welcome the upcoming New Year 2010. New Year's Eve or Old Year's Night is celebrated on December 31, the final day of the Gregorian year, and the day before New Year's Day. New Year's Eve is celebrated with parties and social gatherings celebrating the transition of the year at midnight. As the year 2009 departs and New Year 2010 gets started, first thing people look for is 2010 horoscopes.These 2010 horoscopes will be based upon 12 zodiac signs used to interpret daily horoscopes through sun sign analysis. With the extreme and excessive use of internet now days one can cast his personalized chart for free on various 2010 horoscopes sites and obtain a unique full color birth chart with reports about his future including his relationships, career, money and romance. Thanks to internet, now you are just a click away from receiving complete full fledged interpretations about your future. One more thing that will gain the attention of everyone in the New Year 2010 will be 2010 calendars. People will browse through the 2010 calendars to know about the day when their birthday will form in this New Year 2010. Secondly, they look for various festivals and celebrations round the year to plan the celebrations in the best way they can. Besides conventional paper 2010 calendars that we use to hang on the walls of our home, nowadays online 2010 calendars are also available and that with no cost at all on various sites. New Year Cruise 2010 is one of the best ideas to make ones New Year happening. People take their family and friends on a cruise tour and enjoy a splendid vacation at Bahamas, Hawaii or Alaska. New Year Cruises are gaining lot of popularity as they are not only affordable, but are the beautiful ways to welcome the New Year 2010.

New Year 2010 is coming with a blast of happiness and people across the world are ready to embrace New Year 2010 whole heartedly. New Year symbolizes new beginning. People celebrate New Years by organizing New Year party on New Year eve, going on New Year cruises and are totally merged in the joy of celebrating the upcoming year. New Year party is a way to take a break from the tiring journey of previous year and welcome the upcoming New Year 2010. New Year's Eve or Old Year's Night is celebrated on December 31, the final day of the Gregorian year, and the day before New Year's Day. New Year's Eve is celebrated with parties and social gatherings celebrating the transition of the year at midnight.

As the year 2009 departs and New Year 2010 gets started, first thing people look for is 2010 horoscopes.These 2010 horoscopes will be based upon 12 zodiac signs used to interpret daily horoscopes through sun sign analysis. With the extreme and excessive use of internet now days one can cast his personalized chart for free on various 2010 horoscopes sites and obtain a unique full color birth chart with reports about his future including his relationships, career, money and romance. Thanks to internet, now you are just a click away from receiving complete full fledged interpretations about your future.

One more thing that will gain the attention of everyone in the New Year 2010 will be 2010 calendars. People will browse through the 2010 calendars to know about the day when their birthday will form in this New Year 2010. Secondly, they look for various festivals and celebrations round the year to plan the celebrations in the best way they can. Besides conventional paper 2010 calendars that we use to hang on the walls of our home, nowadays online 2010 calendars are also available and that with no cost at all on various sites.

New Year Cruise 2010 is one of the best ideas to make ones New Year happening. People take their family and friends on a cruise tour and enjoy a splendid vacation at Bahamas, Hawaii or Alaska. New Year Cruises are gaining lot of popularity as they are not only affordable, but are the beautiful ways to welcome the New Year 2010.

About the Author:

Mukesh writes many new year 2010 related articles for 123newyears.com. It gives information about new year 2010, new year cards, new year cruises, new year gifts, 2010 horoscopes, new year tradition, weekly horoscopes, 2010 calendar and more from www.123newyears.com.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - New year 2010: a time to start afresh

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Traffic Exchanges

Traffic is the life's blood of any web site. If you have no traffic there is no sales, no word of mouth advertising, no money. One of the ways to get traffic is through traffic exchanges. There are two types of traffic exchanges--manual and automatic. Which type of site you are trying to promote determines which type of exchange you need to use.

A manual traffic exhange is a very good choice is you are trying to get sign-ups for your affilitiate programs or to make sales. A good example of this is High-Hits. Manual traffic exchanges require you to view a site for a certain number of seconds and then asks a verification question like click on the correct symbol or number.

Automatic traffic exchanges are primarily used to increase overall page views. This is good if you have advertisements on your page, and you get credit for each view. The only problem with this type of exchange is that sometime the exchange places your site in a frame. Because of this, the page view may not be counted. A perfect example of this type of site is Freemillionautosurf.com

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Now, I know over the last week or so, I have been posting articles and links to different sites where a blogger can make some extra money for advertising. I have discovered my favorite. This is a PTC program called BanziBux. There is a Banner below this post that will take you to the main site. There are three reasons why this is my favorite PTC program.

First, you can upgrade the membership plan from standard to premier, executive, and finally CEO without ever paying a dime. This is accomplished by the total number of clicks that you have made on the site. By setting the site up this way, it reqards the most active members.

Second, Referral rentals are only .20 for standard members. Some sites that I have seen can go as high as 1.00 per rental per month. this will allow you to make money faster.
Finally, the third reason is actually a funny story. I had just joined the site about two weeks ago when I received a message that the owner was looking for someone to take over for him. He was going to give the site away for free, nada, nothing! I contacted him and over the course of several days, I expressed my interest in taking over for him. After about a week of conversations, he confided in me that he actually had changed his mind and did not want to dive up the site right now. Needless to say, I was a bit upset. He understood, and in return for the trouble I was put through, He gave me a free CEO upgrade for one year. Yippy! I am very happy about this as it gives me more opportunity to earn some much needed cash. So here I am....begging, pleading, bribing if necessary. Take a look at the site, its free to join and out may even make some money out of the deal. here is a breakdown of the levels and payouts. Don't let the numbers fool you, it is possible to make some much needed advertising dollars from this site.


Pay per click $0.0025$0.0075$0.015$0.02
Pay per referral click $0.0025$0.005$0.0065$0.007
Payout minimum $1.00$1.00$1.00$1.00
Max. direct referrals 2005007501,000
Max. rented referrals 5001,0002,0004,000
Max. daily messages to send 10505070
Renting referrals $0.20$0.30$0.30$0.25
Recycling referrals $0.10$0.10$0.06$0.05
Extending referrals $0.25$0.25$0.25$0.20
Payout method ManuallyManuallyManuallyManually
Advertising bonus 02.5%5%10%
# of unlimited banners 0112

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Things That Should be Button Activated

Author: Kasan Groupe

Some things in life should just be button activated. Let’s face it; there are some things that would just be cooler if they were able to be made to work by simply pressing a button. No matter what you are doing, driving or turning on, a great button just looks so much cooler.

  1. Spoilers. Your car would be so much cooler if the spoiler on the back popped up on demand via a button. Pressing a button on your dash or in the center console that makes a spoiler on the back of your car pop up would be very cool. Not only could you keep it hidden when you wanted your car to be incognito, you could then pop it up when you got to a race track and needed to dominate the competition in the corners.
  2. Recliners. If you are anything like me, then it is a pain in the butt to have to lean over the side of your favorite chair just to pull a lever that makes the thing recline. I want a button. Right on the armrest. This way, I let the power of electric motors do all the work for me. I wouldn’t have to bend over, I wouldn’t have to strain myself and I wouldn’t have to even exert any force at all. By simply pressing a little red button that says “Activate” or “Engage” or something cool, the motors would start to whir away and the foot of the chair would lift up off the ground allowing the best relaxation possible. And all thanks to a button.
  3. Evil. Using a button for pure evil would be simple and effective. No matter the type of evil, simply being able to just press a button would be very fun – and scary. For instance, say you wanted to stop some random dude named Merrell’s heart. By pressing your evil button, you can watch from the comfort of your button activated recliner as he crumbles to the ground. And the great thing is, there is no way to trace it, so you could become the most evil anonymous super villain of all time.
About the Author:

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Things That Should be Button Activated

Friday, December 11, 2009

Winter Driving Pet Peeves

Author: catherine preth

Like me, everyone has their worst driving pet peeves. Here are some ones that don’t get seen that often, unless you live in Minnesota.

  1. Winter parking. Why is it that when the first snow falls, all rules go out the window? Not only does this apply to simply driving down the road, it also seems to apply to parking spaces for some reason. No one here can park in the winter. Maybe the problem lies with the stripes being the same color as the snow? Whatever the reason, whenever the white powder comes falling down, all hell breaks loose in Minnesota parking lots. Make sure that you don’t have a nice body kit installed because it will probably get ripped off completely thanks to a moron in a slippery parking lot that recently lost his or her mind because some solid water fell from the sky.
  2. Not using defrosters. I really don’t understand these people. Obviously, when it is cold outside and it is warm in your car, the windows are going to fog up. This will hamper your visibility to the point that you might not be able to see where you are going. For the love of Jeebus this is why every car in the history of the world comes equipped with a defroster button. This will direct the air at all the windows and allow them to defog. It is very handy for being able to see where you are going and will keep you from causing a billion car pile up that destroys one sixth of the world.
  3. Slowing down for corners on the Interstate. Listen to me right now. There is a speed limit that makes sense on that road for a reason. The highway engineer would not construct a corner that would necessitate the need to slow down at all if it would hamper the flow of traffic. Therefore, you can be sure that the corner that is coming up can be taken at the speed you are going. When you put on the brakes or lift off the gas, you are just going to cause confusion and bad feelings behind you.
About the Author:
Do you want to learn how to write a Love Letter? Learn how to write the perfect Love Letter in Day. Find out how here at Write Love Letters

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Winter Driving Pet Peeves

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

In the past, I was not very fond of Pay-to-Click programs, but all of that has changed. Granted, you may only get a penny or so per click, but that is with you doing all of the work. The real income comes from referrals. I know what you are going to say....yay! I get a half penny from what my referrals click on, but that is a half penny per referral, per ad. That can add up quickly. Here is some good programs that I am a member of.
Below are some of the best PTC (pay-to-click) programs out there. Refer your friends and make some money together. I have included links to the most popular verified programs for your convenience. Take a look at them and sign up if you need to make a couple of extra bucks.

My Personal Favorites:

Other sites you may be interested in:

WordLinx - Get Paid To Click

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Other Blogs

To try to increase my readership, I have created two new blogs for you to enjoy. The first, EZ Riches, deals with the marketing and monetizing of a website or blog. the second one, Political Pushovers, presents weak willed politicians and the puppet masters who pull the strings behind the scenes. I would be more than happy if you could check them out and let know what you think. Just remember, they are still new and do not have many posts as of yet.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Solar Powered Camels

Good Morning All! As I was stumbling around this morning I came across an article at one of my favorite blogs, "Be The Change" This site is full of ways that the whole world can change for the better by using renewable energy sources, living green, and conserving what precious resources that are still left. I suggest you, my readers, check it out for it really deserves to be "The best of the web!"

Some of Kenya’s camels are carrying the solar-powered mini fridges on their backs as part of a test project that uses camels as mobile health clinics. It is hoped that the eco-friendly transport system will provide a cheap, reliable way of getting much-needed medicines and vaccines to rural communities in Kenya and Ethiopia.

The Nomadic Communities Trust has been using camels as mobile health clinics in isolated areas with few roadways in Kenya, but up to now has been unable to deliver medicines and vaccines that require refrigeration. In 2005, Nomadic Communities Trust partnered with California’s Art Center College of Design’s Designmatters and Princeton’s Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) to create a lightweight and durable solar-powered refrigerator that can be strapped to camels’ backs in order to transport chilled medicines and vaccines.

The mini fridge is housed in a bamboo saddle that is lightweight and durable enough for camels to easily carry it across miles of rough terrain. The solar panels can also be used by the mobile clinics for lighting and refrigeration in the field.

Designmatters‘ executive director, Mariana Amatullo, said the project was designed with a budget of only a few thousand dollars and the device was tested on the Bronx Zoo's camels to save money.

The fridges are currently being tested on camels in Kenya and Ethiopia, but Amatullo says the system could be used by any rural communities with access to camels. If the project gets enough funding, it will be implemented in 2010.

Direct link to the article

Friday, December 4, 2009

Zombies or Vampires

- Which are more likely to kill you?

Author: Larry Truett

I am often asked by people if it would be worse to have zombies or vampires chasing them. If the question has the same number of vampires or zombies in pursuit then you definitely want the zombies over the vampires.

Zombies are much slower and dumber than vampires.

Zombies do not have superpowers of any kind. A vampire may have a number of superpowers. These include being able to fly, transforming into another creature, mind reading or mind control, and looking sexy. This gives the vampire a serious edge over the zombie.

Zombies will probably chase you in a pack, but not in an organized pack. And the zombie pack will likely be easily distracted. If vampires are hunting in a pack then they will be extremely organized and focused.

However, vampires are much less likely to be hunting in a pack than zombies are. The realistic question is then, "Would you be better off being hunted by a group of zombies or a single vampire?"

Generally, you would still choose the pack of zombies over the single vampire, but there are exceptions.

Zombies do not have many rules they must follow, just plod and eat. Vampires tend to have a number of rules that they must adhere to, some of which may be used to your advantage.

If it is close to sunrise there is a good chance the vampire will need to hide from the sun. If you can make it to daybreak you are safe. Maybe.

If you have holy water, garlic, a crucifix, or a church handy then you might be able to repel the vampire with those. Risky gambit though - less and less vampires are superstitious.

Vampires can not ordinarily enter a home without an invitation. If you are close to home, and have not foolishly invited the vampire inside, then you might have a chance if you can make it to your house.

If the vampire is merely seeking a meal, and does not have a personal vendetta with you, then you might be able to offer the vampire an easier or better meal. This may be the perfect opportunity to dispose of that pesky neighbor or relative. Unfortunately, the vampire will likely remember this and come back again and again. If this happens you might want to start a list of "candidates".

If any these seem to be the case, then sure, go for the single vampire over the zombie hoard. Really be certain, though - vampires are generally quite vicious.

If none of those exceptions seem to fit your predicament then choose the zombies. Cheer up. Under the right circumstances eluding a pack of zombies may be possible.

Zombies can rarely operate a vehicle, so if you can find a car or helicopter you might well get to safety. Probably best to avoid the helicopter if you don't know how to fly one, as a nasty crash is just as deadly as being mauled by zombies. Even if a crash didn't kill you, being injured and then found by zombies would be no picnic. So be really sure you won't crash before selecting any vehicle.

No vehicle? Zombies are unlikely to be targeting you as an individual. They probably just want to eat any human flesh. If you give them an easier meal or make yourself hard to catch they will forget all about you. If you are anywhere near a crowded public place you should try and lead the zombies there. Obvious targets are shopping malls, hospitals, or schools. Some of you might be squeamish at the notion of leading a pack of zombies into a crowd. Be pragmatic. If there is a full blown zombie invasion, and the zombies are already near a public place, then the zombies descending on the unwary is inevitable. You are just getting things over more quickly. If you want to run through the crowd screaming "the zombies are coming" to warn the others, go ahead. A lot of panicked people running in all directions can only help your escape.

No crowds or vehicles around? If these are the usual slow zombies you might be able to outrun them. This seems easy at first, but zombies don't need to sleep or even rest. You need to get completely out of their sight for them to forget about you. This will be harder where there are no hills, such as in the desert or Kansas. If you are near a lake or body of water you might try to swim away. Zombie boyancy isn't well covered in most of the journals, so you are doing some ground breaking research with an attempted aquatic escape.

Bottom line, both of these rascals can be problematic, but the zombies might be slightly less so than vampires.

Read more about vampires and zombies at SpookyFiles.com.

About the Author:

I'm a vegan freelance PHP and MySQL programmer living in the San Carlos neighborhood of San Diego with my wife and our 3 cats. I enjoy hiking, reading, gardening, watching too much television, and other nerdy activites.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Zombies or Vampires - Which are more likely to kill you?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How to Deal with Annoying Neighbors

How to Deal With Annoying Neighbors

Author: Kasan Groupe

Oh apartment living. There’s nothing like walking up four floors to your hellish apartment only to find your neighbors are hosting a salsa party in their living room. Some people are pretty dense. They have no sense of common decency and their apartment etiquette blunders are sure to ruin any chance you have at a good night’s sleep. Well what are you going to do about it? Just sit back passively, or get your revenge? If you choose the latter well good for you! Here are a few tips and suggestions to make the process a little easier.

1. Throw your own damn salsa party! Be loud, obnoxious and oblivious just as they are. This may result in a feud, or it might just give them a taste of their own medicine. Either way it’s sure to annoy the hell out of them and hopefully push them to be more considerate.

2. Leave them an angry note. Express your displeasure with their behavior in a well-written, intelligible note. Don’t throw down a bunch of expletives or threats; just make it clear that you will not tolerate their behavior. Hopefully they will get the hint.

3. Complain to your landlord. Assuming you don’t live in a complete slum, he or she is obligated to handle the situation for you. Just call them up and explain the situation to the best of your ability and politely demand that something be done to rectify the problem.

4. Vandalize their car. Alright this isn’t the most mature way to deal with the situation, but it will certainly give you some minor satisfaction when you tear off their Volkswagen parts or scuff their bumper as you leave the parking lot. This of course should be utilized as a last resort only. Try your best to solve the situation in a lawful manner if you can.

Apartment living isn’t always ideal, especially when you have to deal with your loathsome neighbors on a regular basis. But if they’re bothering you, stand up for yourself! You pay the same in rent every month as they do and you deserve a pleasant place to go home to everyday.

About the Author:

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - How to Deal With Annoying Neighbors