Traffic is the life's blood of any web site. If you have no traffic there is no sales, no word of mouth advertising, no money. One of the ways to get traffic is through traffic exchanges. There are two types of traffic exchanges--manual and automatic. Which type of site you are trying to promote determines which type of exchange you need to use.
A manual traffic exhange is a very good choice is you are trying to get sign-ups for your affilitiate programs or to make sales. A good example of this is High-Hits. Manual traffic exchanges require you to view a site for a certain number of seconds and then asks a verification question like click on the correct symbol or number.
Automatic traffic exchanges are primarily used to increase overall page views. This is good if you have advertisements on your page, and you get credit for each view. The only problem with this type of exchange is that sometime the exchange places your site in a frame. Because of this, the page view may not be counted. A perfect example of this type of site is
Heavy Wulf 03/16/2015 – Steady as She Goes
9 years ago