Sunday, November 1, 2009

EC Thank You

As you may know, about two weeks ago I started using Entrecard to help the exposure of my blog. Needless to say, it works!!! My traffic has doubled in the last two weeks. Mainly this is due to people coming by to drop their "card" on my site. Here is a list of top droppers for the month of October.

Sound Sans Sense

Until your sound touches my senses and engages my mind, we will remain an alien to each others world.

Aspects In Life

This blog contains various topics that involves finding discounts online, natural healing, and other situations.

Picture to People

Researches about Computer Graphics. New free software for graphics. Hot free graphic effects.

Blog Tipz

A collection of blogging news, resources, and tips to help you improve your blog.

Memories Of You

I'm an amateur photographer just learning the ropes. I'm loving every aspect of the art and my learning adventure. Most of the pictures are taken with a Sony SLR or a Nikon D-80. Stop by for a visit. I'd love to hear from you.

My Heart Voice

This is the place I go when I have a story to tell, or a memory to voice. This is "My Heart Voice" and I want to share it with you.

Country Farm De Alfonso: A Dad's Dead Dream Comes Alive

The farm died with its dreamer until two dreamers decided to resurrect it.

I am Ramon, 49 years old writing for to share my experiences, frustrations, happiness, success as a Father to my 5 healthy and Lovely creatures called Son’s and Daughter’s.


The mumblings of a temperamental girl about life and all its interesting bits and pieces...

Stuff and Nonsense

Some of the nonsense in Joel Klebanoff's brain is funny. Some of it is not. Stuff & Nonsense contains mostly the former.

If you didn't make the Top 10 List I still wish to thank you for visiting my site. Just remember, I will post the top 10 every month. The more you visit, the greater you chances of being on the list (shameless bribery, I Know....whatever works!)