All information is from this post @ Cornymans Money-Blog
EntreCard: Revealing the Secret behind the 3 identical ads in your inbox!
BigDaddyRichard from Trader's Hub wrote yesterday and Eli from Businessphere wrote today about an ad that appears in many of our EntreCard InBoxes not only once but three times.![EntreCard is not hacked but abused by a member](
Big Daddy Richard and Eli think it is a trick of EntreCard as the same ad picture appears three times in your inbox.
But the solution is very simple, no trick by EntreCard but the member tricked EntreCard and its members.
And in this case it means, the member uses THREE DIFFERENT accounts for three blogs. As i read now the comments on some of the mentioned blogs (description below), it seems he setup these blogs in the past for other persons (or under other names) but they have the same appearance (blog templates). Some are not updated since August 2008!
If you hover with your mouse over the three pictures you can see that they are linked with three different member accounts
To access now the user profile you have to take the number of each link and add it to
If you click on these three links, you will be taken to the three "different" accounts --> Software Blog --> Jennys Personal Blog --> Reahsblog
The Software blog seems to have a redirect to the -for all three same- targeted web site
If you click on the given URL in the Blog details it takes you to the above mention Blogproduction website (without any EntreCard widget).
Have a look at the MOST RECENT POST and click one of the posts, this will take you to the REAL Blog behind the picture (and all except the SOFTWARE BLOG and ReahsBlog which you can only access by the below mentioned Blogroll listing!) have an EntreCard widget.
If you look on this Blogproduction website you can see that in the Blogroll "Jennys Personal Blog" and "Reahsblog" is mentioned (there is the connection that it's the same user with different accounts, perhaps he wants to cash-in the referral ECs as linked blogs wouldn't be allowed to receive additional free ECs and so on?)
EntreCard System is too easy to abuse!
You just have to go to your Dashboard:
- Take a look at the section "Your Blog" in the middle of the page
- Click on "Edit"
- Change the website URL to any other website which you would like to promote :)
- Save it, EntreCard doesn't look any more if this is a page with EntreCard widget (otherwise these THREE blogs would have been already deleted!).
- In case we report them, EntreCard might get active and sent a message to their Dashboard to place the EC-widget on this blog within a specific time frame (24 to 72 hours)