Monday, November 30, 2009

Update: Entrecard Hacked

All information is from this post @ Cornymans Money-Blog

EntreCard: Revealing the Secret behind the 3 identical ads in your inbox!

BigDaddyRichard from Trader's Hub wrote yesterday and Eli from Businessphere wrote today about an ad that appears in many of our EntreCard InBoxes not only once but three times.
EntreCard is not hacked but abused by a memberIn my case it appeared three times at the end of each day (since 27th November). I think the person behind this ad drops especially on the TOP 300 blogs to get as many clicks as possible for its purposes.

Big Daddy Richard and Eli think it is a trick of EntreCard as the same ad picture appears three times in your inbox.

But the solution is very simple, no trick by EntreCard but the member tricked EntreCard and its members.
And in this case it means, the member uses THREE DIFFERENT accounts for three blogs. As i read now the comments on some of the mentioned blogs (description below), it seems he setup these blogs in the past for other persons (or under other names) but they have the same appearance (blog templates). Some are not updated since August 2008!

If you hover with your mouse over the three pictures you can see that they are linked with three different member accounts

To access now the user profile you have to take the number of each link and add it to

If you click on these three links, you will be taken to the three "different" accounts --> Software Blog --> Jennys Personal Blog --> Reahsblog

The Software blog seems to have a redirect to the -for all three same- targeted web site

If you click on the given URL in the Blog details it takes you to the above mention Blogproduction website (without any EntreCard widget).

Have a look at the MOST RECENT POST and click one of the posts, this will take you to the REAL Blog behind the picture (and all except the SOFTWARE BLOG and ReahsBlog which you can only access by the below mentioned Blogroll listing!) have an EntreCard widget.
If you look on this Blogproduction website you can see that in the Blogroll "Jennys Personal Blog" and "Reahsblog" is mentioned (there is the connection that it's the same user with different accounts, perhaps he wants to cash-in the referral ECs as linked blogs wouldn't be allowed to receive additional free ECs and so on?)

EntreCard System is too easy to abuse!

You just have to go to your Dashboard:
  1. Take a look at the section "Your Blog" in the middle of the page
  2. Click on "Edit"
  3. Change the website URL to any other website which you would like to promote :)
  4. Save it, EntreCard doesn't look any more if this is a page with EntreCard widget (otherwise these THREE blogs would have been already deleted!).
  5. In case we report them, EntreCard might get active and sent a message to their Dashboard to place the EC-widget on this blog within a specific time frame (24 to 72 hours)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

reBlog from BigDaddyRichard: Great Minds Design

I found this fascinating quote today:

Early this year, in March 9, 2009 to be specific, I posted a blog entitled "Entrecard, Hacked?" In that post, I exposed the attempt by someone who injected a CPC ad into our inboxes.  I discovered the ad  when, in the course of making my daily drops, I clicked on the EC card and the landing page led me to a site which happens to be a cpc ad on Social Sparks. I raised the impropriety of the matter with Entrecard and Social Sparks, both of whom denied any knowledge of the matter. Social Sparks immediately promised to ban whoever was behind it while Entrecard apparently pulled the plug on it. I never saw the ad again in my inbox.(Read my post on this!)BigDaddyRichard, Great Minds Design, Mar 2009

You should read the whole article.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black Friday Fiasco

As many of you know, Black Friday was yesterday. The biggest shopping day of the year. The best sales, the new merchandise, it is wonderful (in theory). The reality of it is something different entirely. Traffic jams, fist fights, low stock, are all the features of the average Black Friday. I understand that people want to get the biggest bang for their buck, but this si getting ridiculous. After last year, I vowed never to go out on black Friday again. But, My vow was for naught. I did not have the willpower to deny the Grand Opening of a new CompUSA right down the street. I have never been in a CompUsa, so I was ready to fight the traffic, and the lines to experience computer Nirvana.

I have a small confession to make. I am a computer geek. There I said it, finally coming out of the closet, so to speak. This store has everything that I could possible wish for, and more. Lucky for me, I left my credit cards at home, or I would be in deep trouble when the bill rolled in. Well, thins was just to drop a quick note on my adventures yesterday. BTW, I am thinking about doing a site revision, try to make it load fast, look better, etc. I may not be able to post much for the near future. Just remember, I will return. You can get you stumbling fix when I get back.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Top Droppers For November

As you may know, I have only had this blog for a little over a month. In that time, my readership has exploded. The majority of this increase is due to the Entrecard program. So. I would now like to take the time to thank my top droppers in the last thirty days.

Once again I ant to thank these blog for the visit. To my dear readers, take a minute to visit these fine blogs, and keep the EC Dropper spirit alive.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I do not have much time to post today due to all of the issues dealing with preparing the holiday dinner. Just to let my loyal readers know that I am thinking of all of you and to wish you a very "Happy Thanksgiving!"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Not Another Wordless Wednesday Blog

Here we go with another Wordless Wednesday Blog. I know what you are saying. If these is "Wordless Wednesday", then why I am sitting here reading this post. Well, I am going to offer a brief word of explanation. This is the first of many, hopefully, Wordless Wednesday posts of mine. I figured everyone else in the blogsphere is doing it, why not me? So, without furthur ado.......

photo courtesy of "Life in the Lost World"

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Label Exec Arrested For Not Using Twitter

Label Exec Arrested For Not Using Twitter To Disperse Crowd At Mall To See Singer
from the what's-the-charge-there? dept

Peter Kafka has an odd story about an executive at Island Def Jam Recods, James Roppo, who was supposedly arrested for not using Twitter to get crowds to disperse at a Long Island mall, after they had gathered to see singer Justin Bieber:

Police arrested a senior vice president from Bieber's label, Island Def Jam Records, James A. Roppo, 44, of Hoboken, N.J., saying he hindered their crowd-control efforts by not cooperating.

He was in custody Friday night, pending charges that could include criminal nuisance, endangering the welfare of a minor and obstructing government administration, Smith said.

"We asked for his help in getting the crowd to go away by sending out a Twitter message," Smith said. "By not cooperating with us we feel he put lives in danger and the public at risk."

Now, that's quite a charge to make: that by not following police orders to send out Twitter messages you were "obstructing government administration" or involved in "criminal nuisance." Of course, the case may be made even more difficult because, as Kafka notes, Bieber's Twitter account actually did warn people to leave. Still, it makes you wonder how they get "not Twittering on command" to stick as a crime.

Originally posted @ TechDirt

Primary Colors

Normally, I do not just post pictures...I offer explanations and links to websites that do. But today, I just could not help myself. I saw this and decided, "This has got to go on my blog" So, here we go!

The original image can be found here

Monday, November 23, 2009

HP Giveaway

Normally, I do not double post in one day, but I read something this morning that caused me to do so. My friends at are having a giveaway. What are they giving away???? $5.00 Amazon Gift Cards....Buy One Get One Free Coupons at McDonalds.....NOPE! They are giving away a laptop. That's right. You heard me correctly. A new HP Pavilion dm3 laptop! This thing is loaded to the hilt. Check out the post for more details. How to enter, rules, and other information is located at HP Giveaway Post

Girl With Two Hearts

Here is another post to celebrate "Medical Monday"

Here is an amazing story about Hannah Clark is a 16-year-old with a shy laugh and a love of animals and babies. She likes to go shopping with friends and dreams of a career working with children.
But Hannah Clark is no ordinary teenager and her normal life today could not have been possible without a unique, life-changing heart surgery. In 1994 when she was eight-months-old, Hannah was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy — an inflammation of the heart muscle that impairs the heart’s ability to work properly.

Hannah’s heart was failing and she needed a transplant. But instead of taking her own heart out, doctors added a new donated heart to her own when she was just two-years-old. The so-called “piggyback” operation allowed the donor heart to do the work while Hannah’s heart rested. But Hannah was not in the clear yet. As with any organ transplant, Hannah’s body was likely to reject her new heart and she had to take powerful immune suppression drugs.

Those drugs allowed her body to accept the donor heart but also led to cancer and yet another medical battle for Hannah that lasted for years. Nearly 11 years after receiving the extra heart, there was more bad news: The immuno-suppression drugs were no longer working. Hannah’s body was rejecting the donor heart.

In February 2006, her doctors tried something that had never been done before: They took out the donor heart. Doctors theorized that the donor heart had allowed Hannah’s heart to rest, recover and grow back stronger. Now for the first time Hannah’s father, Paul Clark, describes the agonizing decision the family had to make at the time: “If she’d never had it done, she wouldn’t be here.

“In the very beginning it was a 50/50 chance she wasn’t going to make the operation. But in the next one it was even greater because it had never been done before. But we had to take that risk,” he told CNN. The doctors were right. Three years later, Hannah has no need for any drugs and has been given a clean bill of health. The operation was a success.

“It means everything to me,” Hannah told CNN after the pioneering operation. “I thought I’d still have problems when I had this operation done. I thought after the heart had been removed I thought I’d have to visit hospitals. But now I’m just free,” she said, smiling. Dr. Magdi Yacoub performed Hannah’s original transplant and came out of retirement to perform the second.

“The possibility of recovery of the heart is just like magic.” Dr. Yacoub said at a media conference. “[We had] a heart which was not contracting at all at the time. We put the new heart to be pumping next to it and take its work, now [it] is functioning normally.”

The findings have been published in the British medical journal, this seems like a true miracle. I am curious how the old heart was able to still beat, because you think as a muscle that was not being used it would have went into atrophy.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Top Trivia Learned From Sweet & Sour Sauce

Author: Kasan Groupe

3. Albert Einstein never learned how to drive a car. You would think that a super genius like this wouldn’t even need to drive a car; that he could simply use his uncanny brain powers to make himself levitate down the road. I would think that he didn’t have time to learn how to drive because he was mastering atomic theory and thinking up ways to be smarter than the average bear. Of course, had he taken the time to learn how to drive, he probably would have just picked it up in about 10 seconds and been able to beat every race driver ever because he would have used his awesome theory of relativity, or something, to make his car faster than all the others. Who knows. All I know is that I learned this from a packet of sweet and sour sauce.

2. The parking meter was invented in North Dakota. Who would have thought that the parking meter would be invented in a state that has approximately three residents? Maybe there was only one parking spot and the other party got so riled up by one of the other two people using it all the time that they came up with a way to keep them out by making them pay to be in that spot for only a certain amount of time. And considering that it was North Dakota, I’m fairly certain that the only reason that one of these dudes parked illegally outside of some store for too long was to run in and get themselves some new truck accessories.

1. New Jersey and Oregon are the only two states where it is illegal to pump your own gas. Now this one is just plain stupid. Either that or all of the residents in these respective states are that dumb. Maybe the mob controls all the gas stations in New Jersey and wants to keep their friends from being unemployed. And in Oregon, I have to assume that all of the tree huggers there don’t know how to pump gas, or don’t want to, cause it might endanger Mother Earth in some way. Well boo-hoo Oregonians, get over yourself. Just tell yourself that the earth likes it when you fuel your hybrid cars with her and go plant some more trees to try in vain to save her.

About the Author:

Article Source: - Top Trivia Learned From Sweet & Sour Sauce

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ten Biggest Disappointments of the Last Decade

The 10 Biggest Disappointments of the Decade

Author: Rassam Fakour-Zaker

There have been some amazing, life-affirming occurrences over the last ten years. But you don’t want to hear about those, do you?

Thought not. Here’s the most crushing letdowns of the decade…

10. The Y2K Bug: Crappest techno-crisis ever (1st January 2000) The disappointments started early this decade. For years there had been rumblings about an impending IT meltdown due to the widespread (and rather short-sighted) abbreviation of years into two digits.

As media scaremongers counted down to the apocalyptic ’00 switchover, the Millenium Bug hype ramped up considerably and, as I remember it, people began stockpiling tins of analogue food and steam-powered hair straighteners in a desperate bid to stave off the annihilation of civilisation.

Now, I’m no apocalypse-yearning Luddite, but I was looking forward to a little post-millennial excitement – maybe some light looting, or the eradication of global credit card data. Plus I had a massive stack of unread books to catch up on.

Alas, the year 2000 arrived and what did we get? Problems issuing bus tickets in Australia. Rubbish.

9. Firefly gets cancelled: What a gorram disappointment (December 2002) Joss Whedon’s quietly awesome sci-fi series was doomed from the start when Fox TV’s executive idiots decided to air the initial episodes in the wrong order before unceremoniously cancelling it.

It wasn’t necessarily up there with the best shows of the decade, but many lesser products have inexplicably clogged up our TVs season after season, year after year (*cough* Lost, *cough* Prison Break).

But not poor old Firefly, which ran for less than one of its intended seven years. That’s nearly three quarters of a decade of Cap’n Reynolds and crew’s wisecracks, bar brawls and bank robberies we missed out on. Instead we got the useless Dollhouse.

8. Indiana Jones 4: Further proof that George Lucas hates humanity (22nd May 2008) George Lucas, the bearded Dark Lord of Disappointment, spent his early career lovingly crafting wonderful escapist fantasies that defined our childhood years and captured the budding imagination of an entire generation.

During the 1990s, however, he completed his journey to the Dark Side by single-handedly engineering 20th century cinema’s most gut-wrenching disappointment: The Phantom Menace.

This decade, after further defecating over our childhood dreams with two more intergalactic kicks to the scrotum, he turned his Mephistophelian hand to overseeing the destruction of his other much-loved creation: Indiana Jones.

Nuclear blast-proof fridges, long-lost son clichés and alien conspiracies: this was not the joyous, whip-cracking Indy of old, but a cynical, hackneyed, CGI-spattered sham. Why do you hate us so much George?

7. Windows Vista: Bill Gates validates Mac owners’ smug faces (30th January 2007) The monolithic Microsoft Corporation has taken a lot of criticism over the years. All of which seemed fully justified after the release of their latest operating system which managed to be even crapper than the previous one. Security flaws, hardware compatibility problems, draconian digital rights management – the list goes on and on (and it does, at length, on the Wikipedia page entitled “Criticisms of Windows Vista”.)

However, the most disappointing thing about Windows Vista was that it justified the annoying self-satisfaction of Apple Mac owners, making them infinitely more irritating and punchable.

6. Duke Nukem Forever: Duke Nukem Never (2000 onwards) 13 years. That’s how long we’ve been waiting for the triumphant return of the wise-cracking, decidedly non-PC video game action hero. After announcing the game way back in 1997, the developer, 3DRealms, subjected long-suffering fans to a hilariously protracted trickle of screenshots, rumours and bold proclamations of revolutionary content, with the odd teaser trailer thrown in to keep their increasingly tenuous hopes alive.

You may wonder what on earth they were using to develop this game. The Antikythera mechanism? Windows Vista? However, such ponderings – amusing though they are – were rendered irrelevant in May of this year when 3DRealms announced they were shutting down and that development on the eight-time winner of’s annual vapourware awards had finally ceased.

Or maybe not? Rumour has it that DNF is still on the cards. Time to let it go people…

5. Large Hadron Collider gets switched on: Nothing happens (10th September 2008) You can’t blame them for the hype, I suppose, for the LHC is nothing if not utterly esoteric. Therefore, in order to justify the staggering costs, and to let us simple folk in on the whole thing, they cranked up the media buzz generator.

The popular press excitably proclaimed that humanity was on the cusp of discovering the unifying theory of everything ever in the history of everything (ever), while doomsaying nutjobs predicted that we were about to be sucked into a black hole of our own making.

And dammit, it worked. It was an exciting time: absolutely baffling, yet pregnant with the wondrous possibilities of human endeavour. The LHC looked like a Bond villain’s lair for Christ’s sake. They had made particle physics sexy.

But then they switched it on. And there was no black hole, and no instantaneous scientific epiphanies, and our MTV-addled, instant-gratification-seeking brains just switched off.

And then it blew a fuse.

4. The Matrix sequels: The Wachoswkis disappear up their own rabbit holes (May/November 2003) Thanks to the deluge of dire movie sequels, cinema historians will look back on the Noughties as “The Decade That Imagination Forgot”. But while most were pointless, cynical continuations of past-their-prime or previously-concluded franchises (see number 8), the Matrix sequels were of a much more disappointing nature.

The original movie ended the 90s in a hugely satisfying synthesis of existential angst, visual flare, innovative action and intellectual depth that seemed to herald the exciting cinematic future of the approaching millennium.

But instead of delivering on this promise, the Wachowski’s blew it. Twice. The first movie’s inventive action was replaced with tired and overblown CGI exercises; the playful deconstruction of notions of reality gave way to annoyingly oblique cod-philosophy and heavy-handed religious mysticism; and what did we get in place of the original’s effortless cool? That ridiculous rave scene.

3. Bush’s re-election: Rest of the world slaps forehead (November 2004) OK, vote-tampering aside, in some ways it almost made sense. I mean the Democratic candidate… umm… hold on… John Kerry (I just Wikipedia’d it), was hardly a memorable candidate. But from every other logical (and illogical) standpoint it was utterly confounding. Bush? Again? WTF America?

There’s a saying where I come from: vote for a fool once, shame on… shame on you. Vote for a fool twice, umm… everyone… everyone will be really, really disappointed.

2. The financial crisis aftermath: Time for a change? Erm… no (2007 onwards) When the financial crisis struck in the latter part of the decade, bombarded by grandstanding political bluster about economic reform, I found myself gripped by a fleeting moment of delusional optimism, during which I almost believed that our perfidious, vote-pandering leaders were actually capable of instigating tangible, positive change.

“Finally,” I thought, “the world has accepted that our global economy is a ridiculous sham, our benevolent leaders will surely rip it down and in its place we shall build a progressive, sustainable and just system ushering in an era of peace and harmony that will last for aeons”. Embarrassment and disappointment soon followed.

To use Homer Simpson’s neologism, the economic crash was a quintessential “crisitunity”. It provided a real opportunity for genuine change. We could have slapped the smug look from the bankers’ jowls and told them stick their damned derivatives and reckless greed.

But with our hands greased by impotent political rhetoric, public apathy and the hegemonic influence of the banking sector, the chance slipped through our fingers. Instead, we allowed the bankers to go about their greedy business, risking global economic security in the ceaseless pursuit of growth and profits. This time, however, with us footing the bill.

As Homer would say: D’oh!

1. No contact with alien life forms: Seriously, this is getting boring (2000 onwards) We know you’re out there you little green bastards. A simple “hello” would have sufficed. We’d spent the previous decade with Mulder and Scully pretty much proving your existence, stamping the notion of your imminent arrival onto our collective consciousness on a weekly basis. And you don’t even have the decency to turn up.

Here’s an idea for you: give up the covert cavity probing, grow some balls – or the extra-terrestrial anatomical equivalents – and stop disappointing everyone.

You better show up next year with a good excuse and some sweet gadgets or you’ll make Arthur C. Clarke look like a right dick. And that’s not cool.

Article from:

About the Author:

For more articles like this, please visit and our blog site

Article Source: - The 10 Biggest Disappointments of the Decade

Friday, November 20, 2009

It Made My Day

Today, it was brought to my attention that there is another site similar to the one that I posted yesterday called "F My Life". So I wish to thank Daisy for the information. The site I am going to introduce today is called "It Made My Day". Here is an excerpt:

The guy I dated in high school had a certifiably CRAZY mother who used to treat me like garbage, call me names, tell me I was “ruining her son’s life,” and make me cry. I ran into her in court. She was the defendant; I was the prosecutor. IMMD!

The receptionist where I work was doing everything in her power to get me fired because she wanted my job, so I left a copy of my work goals on the copier so she would see it – #7 was assist in evaluating receptionist’s performance. She quit a week later. IMMD

We were reading a story in class called “The Princess and the Plumber”. After discussing it for about a half hour, the only boy in the class burst out with “Am I the only one thinking Mariokart right now??” IMMD

The tagline of this site is "little Moments of Win", and I completely agree with it. Yesterday was a display of the worst in life, today was some of the best.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

F My Life

Today, as I was wandering around the web, I came across a site that has quickly became a new favorite of mine. I do not how many of you know about this humorous site called "F My Life". I spent nearly an hour going throught the short stories, almost brought to tears from laughing so hard. The tagline to this site is "Get the guts to spill the beans" and that is exactly what it presents. Here are some recent examples.

Today, I finally got out of the hospital for having Swine Flu for 3 weeks. So to celebrate, I went for a nice ride on my horse. While I was riding some birds flew in front of us and scared my horse. I am now back in the hospital because my horse ran over me. FML

Today, I was driving to my new home with a lot of my belongings in the car. I could hear things shifting in the back. When I parked, I opened the door, ready to catch my vodka. I caught it- and watched my laptop slide out of the car, onto the concrete, and break into 3 pieces. FML

Today, my boyfriend gave me an early wedding present. I opened the box and inside was the most adorable cat I've ever seen! It got scared, jumped out, clawed my face and pissed everywhere. My wedding is tomorrow and I look like Frankenstein's bride. FML

Today, I was laughing at a story of a girl who had dropped her cellphone in a hottub and ruined it. As I was feeling pretty good about myself, I then realized that my cellphone was in the pocket of a sweater that I had just thrown in the washer 20 minutes prior. FML

But, the one thing that makes this site different from most sites of this genre is the readers have a chance to vote for or against the author. The two options are:

I agree: Your Life Sucks or You Totally Deserved It.

Check this site out. Cast some votes. I guarantee it will brighten your day.


Author: Tyr Annassassi

APP: According to witnesses Santa and the 9 reindeer (Rudolph leading the way) did a drive by this morning around 3am and were successful in taking down the Easter Bunny. "The bunny was doing his usual pre-Easter hiding of eggs and never saw it coming" says the Tooth Fairy, who was doing her daily rounds. The alleged weapon of choice was a modified elf designed toy gun found at the scene. Santa yelled "Talk sh*t now!" just before pulling the trigger; witnesses say. Santa was last seen heading North and attempts to have him turn himself in have been unsuccessful. The Police spokeswoman has informed the media that Mrs. Claus has spoken with her husband and her pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Police further say that the attack stems from an argument between the two where the Easter Bunny claimed that he was loved more by kids; the words escalated and the two were physically separated by Cupid. The public is placed on high alert, Santa is believed to be armed and dangerous due to a large toy sack he was carrying in the sleigh. " We don't know how many toy guns he has in his possession, but the sack was pretty large", say the Police.

A few elves wishing to remain anonymous, stated "this feud has been going on for awhile" and they believe Santa snapped from the pressure of being on the "Atkins Diet" for so long. The Cookie Monster being an expert on eating, says "Food deprivation is the number one cause of murder in this country". "There comes a breaking point where the hunger pains become too great and the mind snaps", he continues.

The police do not believe this will end peacefully based on their conversations with Santa but are hoping for the best outcome. "We believe that we will have to use deadly force....that dude is crazy", says Captain Crunch. Mrs. Claus believes this is a clever scheme devised by the originator of both Christmas and Easter. "I think Jesus wants his days back" she stated at the press conference. Jesus who has been outspoken on the over commercialization of these two holidays had no comment.

Tyr Annassassi reporting.

About the Author:

Tyr Annassassi (pronounced Tier Anna-saw-see) has a sundry collection of works which include poetry, brain teasers and satirical articles.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lost man drives nine hours to get newspaper

CANBERRA (Reuters) - An elderly man who went out to fetch a morning newspaper ended up driving nearly 400 miles after getting lost and taking a wrong turn onto a major Australian highway, police said on Wednesday. The man, 81-year-old Eric Steward, eventually stopped and asked for directions after driving for nine hours, from the New South Wales country town of Yass to Geelong in the southern Victoria state.

Steward, who did not know where he was, eventually approached a policeman at a petrol station and asked for help late Wednesday.

"This little old man came up to me saying he was lost. He handed me his mobile and asked if I could speak to his wife," said Victorian Police Senior Constable Clayton Smith.

Steward, who was reunited with his family on Wednesday, said he took the wrong turn and just kept on going.

"I just went out on the road to have a drive, a nice peaceful drive," he told reporters, adding he did not need a satellite navigation device as he'd only been lost once.

(Reporting @ by James Grubel, editing by Miral Fahmy)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is The World Getting Odder?

Author: Knight Pierce Hirst

Oddity #1: As of 2009 there are more new fragrances released yearly than there were in the 1970's and 1980's combined - at least 500 a year. In 2008 celebrity scents made up 10% of fragrance sales - more than 3 million bottles. It seems perfume is the best way to sell celebrity. The perfume houses don't pay for what's in the bottles. Fragrance manufacturers develop scents for free and share the profits with the perfume houses. Also, having celebrities' names on the bottles saves millions of advertising dollars. Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker, 50 Cent - celebrities are profitably "scentimental".

Oddity #2: In 2009 the ball was inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame. The curator explained that the Ball had just gotten in because the Toy Hall of Fame didn't come into existence until 1998 and because only 2 or 3 toys are inducted a year. Both the Atari 2600 Game System and the Nintendo Game Boy were already in. So were the Cardboard Box and the Stick. Obviously, those who decide which toys are inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame hadn't been keeping their eyes on the ball.

Oddity #3: On November 1, 2009 family and friends identified the body of 59-year-old Ademir Jorge Goncalves, a bricklayer in southern Brazil, who had died in a car crash. The funeral took place the following day, the Day of the Dead, a holiday when Latin Americans pray for family and friends who have died and remember them with gifts. When Goncalves attended his own funeral, shocked relatives tried to jump out of windows in the funeral home. Although Goncalves wasn't dead, he'd been dead the night before - dead drunk in a bar near the crash site.

Oddity #4: On November 11, 2009 Forbes magazine ranked Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman 41st on its list of the world's most powerful people. That ranking put him ahead of Russian President Medvedev (43), Oprah Winfrey (45), Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu (46) and U.S. Chief Justice Roberts (49). Guzman isn't a world leader, a religious leader or a humanitarian. He's a reputed, Mexican drug lord, head of the Sinaloa Cartel, with a $5 million reward on his head. Over the past 8 years Guzman has shipped between $6 billion and $19 billion in cocaine to the U.S. The world's 41st most powerful person is a drug dealer addicted to power.

About the Author:

Knight Pierce Hirst has written for television, newspapers and greeting cards. Now she writes a 400-word blog three times a week. KNIGHT WATCH, a second look at what makes life interesting, takes only seconds to read at

Article Source: - Is The World Getting Odder?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Medical Monday

I have decided to follow the examples of many other bloggers and devote Monday to a theme based day. Most of the other authors have "Music Monday", but you know that I am always a nonconformist. So here we have it, the post fist post of "Medical Monday", a day dedicated to weird or interesting medical facts, figures, and phenomena...

Weird Phobias

Author: Jodie A Harris

Have you ever heard the word ablutophobia? What about agyrophobia? Weird huh? Well, these words are as odd as what they represent; they mean fear of washing and bathing and fear of streets or crossing the streets.

Phobias play a decisive role in people’s behavior, even preventing them to achieve their goals in the most severe cases.
The definition of weird phobia is:

Strong fear or dislike: an irrational or very powerful fear and dislike of something such as spiders or confined spaces.

Now that we know what a phobia is, let’s go over some of the weirdest phobias:

Amychophobia- Fear of scratches or being scratched. Well, believe it or not, the fear of being scratched can become a phobia form some people.

Agrizoophobia- Fear of wild animals. Please do not take this people in your Sunday trip to the museum! Chances are, you will have to either leave the person the entire day in the car, or return home.

Bibliophobia- Fear of books. I wonder how this people graduate from High School or College?

Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness. Every plastic surgeon’s dream phobia that keeps the business running!

Chionophobia- Fear of snow. You should consider moving to Florida if you have such fear.

Coimetrophobia- Fear of cemeteries. Why fearing the place that you will end up at anyway?

Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of going to school. Well, we all have claimed this at some point!

Ergophobia- Fear of work. I have met some of those…

Geliophobia- Fear of laughter. Who can fear this?

Gnosiophobia- Fear of knowledge. You better think twice before skipping that math homework.

Kathisophobia- Fear of sitting down. Definitely one of the weirdest!

Although some of the phobias above may be considered stupid or funny, this may become a medical condition that requires treatment when it reaches high levels. I will leave some more for you to research, it is surprising how everyday tasks or elements can represent a challenge for some people.

So, here they are: Melophobia, Nomatophobia, Oneirogmophobia, Pediophobia, Rhytiphobia.

So if you want more information about this topic please visit our site:

About the Author:

Article Source: - Weird Phobias

Sunday, November 15, 2009

More Funny Ways to Save Money

More Funny Ways To Save Money

Author: Steve Gillman

The following funny ways to save money are meant to be just that: funny. They are collected from blogs, websites and the minds of twisted scrooges. My disclaimer: Meant for entertainment purposes only - Please don't try these at home.

Visit neighbors while they are working in their gardens and continue to compliment them on the great job they've done until they finally offer you some free vegetables. You can probably do this with several neighbors in order to spread out these foraging trips and limit them to one or two per month for each. Estimated annual savings versus buying the vegetables: $110.

Ask for extra religious tracts from the next religious zealots to knock on your door and then replace half of each restaurant tip with one. Annual savings based on eating out once weekly with an average tip of four dollars (before 50% replacement with that nice little booklet): $104

Accept the gift that all fast food restaurants offer you: packets of ketchup, mustard and other condiments. Have each of your kids take seven or eight extra before you leave and stop buying condiments for the house altogether. Have them take extra napkins while they are at it. Potential savings each year: $130

Pee in the shower once daily. Hey, you're there anyhow, and it goes down the drain. Based on a three gallon flush for the toilet use being replaced, you'll save 1,000 gallons of water annually. Multiply that by the per-gallon charge from your local water company or municipality to determine your annual savings.

Search lost-and-found departments at businesses, governmental buildings and other places and say, "There it is!" whenever you come upon an item that you need and like. To get the most savings with this strategy you have to focus on taking things that you would have otherwise bought, and not things like fancy umbrellas you never would have paid for. Also, be careful about day planners, books and other things that might have the name of the owner on or in them. How much money can you save in this way? That depends on your motivation level and acting ability.

Remove the downspout from your gutter so you can shower under the resulting stream of falling water when it rains. Based on a once monthly outdoor shower that saves you ten gallons of hot water this can save you at least thirty cents annually.

Cut open lotion and shampoo containers to get the last 20% that Consumer's Reports says is normally thrown away. Potential savings for your time? At least $1.17 per hour of effort.

More funny ways to save money? Teach the dog to beg neighbors for food. Visit friends right at dinner time to get free meals. Call long distance during lunch and leave a message so the other person has to return the call and pay for it. Wash your car by soaping it up just before a thunderstorm and letting the rain rinse it.

About the Author:

Copyright Steve Gillman. For real Ways To Save Money, and to get the free Unusual Ways (To Make And Save Money) Newsletter, visit:

Article Source: - More Funny Ways To Save Money

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Youtube Comedians

Author: Josh Keglovits

I recently joined a video sharing site called Youtube. I am sure you all know about youtube so i wont bore you with details. I became instantly addicted to a couple of youtube members. One such member was Philip Defranco (SxEPhil). He presents news in an interesteing and very comical way. The news he talks about is not only relevant but stuff that people want to hear about it. His perfect use of sarcasm and wit makes for a brilliant comedy. His humor is geared to younger adults as he talks about video games and movies.

A great way to mix up your viewing pleasure is to view comedians like wastetimechaskingcars, or deliciousbathwater. They makes song and movie spoofs as well as some origianl skits. Their videos are always laugh out loud funny and perfect for anytime viewing. These type of users provide viewers with videos that are great in quality and rich in content.

In all youtube is a great source of entertainment with an almost unlimited amount of users to ensure there is always something interesting to watch. I would suggest youtube to any internet user as each producer has his/her own style that is sure to match someones tastes. Next time you are bored on your computer be sure to check out youtube and lose track of time laughing it up watching some of the most genius comics the internet has to offer. In an ending note i will list a few more channels that i watch daily. Hope this helped, and i hope you have a great day!




About the Author:

Check this out!

Article Source: - Youtube Comedians

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friends..add your link

AS I have been wondering around the internet the last couple of weeks, I have noticed something called a Mclinky. This is basically a list where readers can leave a link back to their page for others to use. I decided I will try it out to see how many links I can collect today. So, Entredroppers, CmfAds, Project Wonderful friends....drop a link (hint,hint...backlink)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Google.....Answering the Really Tough Questions

We have all seen the screenshot of a wacky google search recommendation. today I discovered a couple of my own. Needless to say, they were very unusual. Here you go, guage them for yourself.

Kung-Pao Pork

Terrorism is a dying profession

We all want one!

These statements are not mafe with the intention of sounding racist, supremist,or vegetarian. If I have offended anyone....too bad! (Just Kidding)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day!

Today we salute those people that make democracy happen, those who protect our borders, and those who help make our country one the greatest in the world (no, I am not joking!) Mistakes Happen. And I have fund some doozies. These pictures are not making fun of our military, they are stating that are only human. And humans make mistakes...sometimes really BIG ONES!
Photos here are courtesy of Zysh's Weblog

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ladybugs....Or Are They?

Everyone knows what ladybugs look like, they are the adorable little red bug with black spots. Adorable that is, until you find yourself with a ladybug infestation. One ladybug, cute. Hundreds of ladybugs…not so cute. We’re currently seeing a huge infestation all over the world as these beetles get ready for winter.

Why you might not know is the bugs that you are calling ladybugs aren’t actually ladybugs at all, they are multi-colored Asian Lady Beetles that look like ladybugs. But these Multi-colored Asian Lady Beetles do one thing that our cute ladybugs don’t…they swarm. What causes this and what can be done about swarming ladybugs?

I’ve explained that these bugs that look an awful lot like our beloved ladybug is actually the Multi-colored Asian Lady beetle but there are some differences. Our ladybugs are bright red with black spots. The Multi-colored Asian Lady Beetles range from pale orange to dark orange and come with or without spots. The other notable difference between the ladybug and the Multi-colored Asian Lady Beetle is the fact that the latter hibernates for the winter. There in lies the problem. These beetles can infest homes, sheds, etc. making it very difficult to get rid of them.

Here are some examples of Asian Lady Beetle swarms.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Big Piano

Do you remember the movie "Big" with Tom Hanks? Chopsticks on the huge piano on the floor? Here is another example of the hijinks that people can come up with. I just have to say that this is awesome!!!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Not Worth My Time... or is it?

Today my wife and I had a long chat about my blogging. Well, she has said (correctly) that I am spending too much of my time on the computer, and not enough of my time with her. Granted blogging itself is not that time consuming. It is the incessant EC dropping, Adgitize clicking, commenting, and visiting other blogs that take up the majority of my time. On an average day, I spend a little over an hour doing this. I know that the money coming in is not the reason that I have this blog, but it would help if I could cover expense. As of right now, I am breaking even. I am on track to get about ten dollars this month for ads that I put on my blog. I Spent ten dollars on advertising this month. So I worked 30 hours for free. At least my message is getting out. Hopefully, next month will be better when the adgitizing income is supposed to increase. Well, off for more clicking and dropping.

BTW, Do not take anything that I say seriously.. You may not get rich blogging, but it should be done for fun, not profit.

I have only been seriously blogging for two weeks, what do I know....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cell Phone Situation

I know I am not the only one who has been in this situation. You are standing next to a person at the bus stop, or in line at the store. All of a sudden, they ask you a question like "How are you doing today?" Just being friendly, you answer, "Just fine". Then they give you a strange look, like you are crazy! here is an example that I found on

Friday, November 6, 2009

Wishes for a Little Boy With Cancer.

As I was reading blogs this morning I came across this post and decided to repost it here. The original post I found this on was "Memories of You"

Wishes For A Little Boy With Cancer

The following paragraph has been circulating among my Facebook friends this morning and I felt I should share it with all my blogging buddies out there. It just breaks my heart too hear news like this. I guess it hits close to home for me because I have a child the same age. I just can't begin to imagine going through something this terrible and losing a child to cancer. It's hearing stories like these that really put things into perspective for me. It makes me realize how lucky I really am in life. Please read the following and feel free to participate. By participating you'll be touching a sweet little boys life in a special way.

Help Noah out !! --- a 5 yr old little boy named Noah is in the last stages of Nueroblastoma cancer (2 1/2 yr battle). The family is celebrating Christmas next week, and Noah's request is to get a lot of Christmas cards. Lets send the little guy some: Noah Biorkman, 1141 Fountain View Circle, South Lyon, MI 48178. Lets see how many cards we can get him! Pass it on!!

Check out the video and see how sweet this little guy is.

I've just finished our card to Noah and it's going out in the mail tomorrow morning.

Please feel free to share this on your Facebook page, Twitter, or post it on your blog.

Thanks for taking time to stop by today.

As you can see, that was a very heartfelt story, and I will be ending out my card at the end of the day. Won't you do the same?


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Roping A Deer

Have you ever read a story the kept you laughing for weeks afterward when you heard or saw something that reminded you of it. This is one of those stories. Just to be honest, I will tell you that I did not write this; this did not happen to me. This story has been circulating around the Internet for quite a while, but I figured they may be some readers who have not read it yet. BTW, I got this from High Altitude Imports.

Roping A Deer

(Names have been removed to protect the stupid)

Actual letter from someone who farms and writes well:

I had this idea that I was going to rope a deer, put it in a stall, feed it up on corn for a couple of weeks, then kill it and eat it.

The first step in this adventure was getting a deer. I figured that, since they congregate at my cattle feeder and do not seem to have much fear of me when we are there (a bold one will sometimes come right up and sniff at the bags of feed while I am in the back of the truck not 4 feet away), it should not be difficult to rope one, get up to it and toss a bag over its head (to calm it down) then hog tie it and transport it home.

I filled the cattle feeder then hid down at the end with my rope.

The cattle, having seen the roping thing before, stayed well back.

They were not having any of it. After about 20 minutes, my deer showed up -- 3 of them. I picked out a likely looking one, stepped out from the end of the feeder, and threw my rope.

The deer just stood there and stared at me.

I wrapped the rope around my waist and twisted the end so I would have a good hold. The deer still just stood and stared at me, but you could tell it was mildly concerned about the whole rope situation.

I took a step towards it. It took a step away. I put a little tension on the rope and then received an education. The first thing that I learned is that, while a deer may just stand there looking at you funny while you rope it, they are spurred to action when you start pulling on that rope.

That deer EXPLODED!

The second thing I learned is that pound for pound, a deer is a LOT stronger than a cow or a colt. A cow or a colt in that weight range I could fight down with a rope and with some dignity.

A deer? No chance.

That thing ran and bucked and twisted and pulled. There was no controlling it and certainly no getting close to it. As it jerked me off my feet and started dragging me across the ground, it occurred to me that having a deer on a rope was not nearly as good an idea as I had originally imagined. The only up side is that they do not have as much stamina as many other animals.

A brief 10 minutes later, it was tired and not nearly as quick to jerk me off my feet and drag me when I managed to get up. It took me a few minutes to realize this, since I was mostly blinded by the blood flowing out of the big gash in my head. At that point, I had lost my taste for corn-fed venison. I just wanted to get that devil creature off the end of that rope.

I figured if I just let it go with the rope hanging around its neck, it would likely die slow and painfully somewhere. At the time, there was no love at all between me and that deer. At that moment, I hated the thing, and I would venture a guess that the feeling was mutual.

Despite the gash in my head and the several large knots where I had cleverly arrested the deer's momentum by bracing my head against various large rocks as it dragged me across the ground, I could still think clearly enough to recognize that there was a small chance that I shared some tiny amount of responsibility for the situation we were in, so I didn't want the deer to have to suffer a slow death, so I managed to get it lined back up in between my truck and the feeder -- a little trap I had set before hand...kind of like a squeeze chute. I got it to back in there and I started moving up so I could get my rope back.

Did you know that deer bite? They do! I never in a million years would have thought that a deer would bite somebody, so I was very surprised when I reached up there to grab that rope and the deer grabbed hold of my wrist.

Now, when a deer bites you, it is not like being bit by a horse where they just bite you and then let go. A deer bites you and shakes its head --almost like a mad dog. They bite HARD and it hurts.

The proper thing to do when a deer bites you is probably to freeze and draw back slowly. I tried screaming and shaking instead. My method was ineffective. It seems like the deer was biting and shaking for several minutes, but it was likely only several seconds.

I, being smarter than a deer (though you may be questioning that claim by now), tricked it. While I kept it busy tearing the tendons out of my right arm, I reached up with my left hand and pulled that rope loose. That was when I got my final lesson in deer behavior for the day.

Deer will strike at you with their front feet. They rear right up on their back feet and strike right about head and shoulder level, and their hooves are surprisingly sharp. I learned a long time ago that, when an animal -- like a horse --strikes at you with their hooves and you can't get away easily, the best thing to do is try to make a loud noise and make an aggressive move towards the animal. This will usually cause them to back down a bit so you can escape.

This was not a horse. This was a deer, so obviously, such trickery would not work. In the course of a millisecond, I devised a different strategy.

I screamed like a woman and tried to turn and run.

The reason I had always been told NOT to try to turn and run from a horse that paws at you is that there is a good chance that it will hit you in the back of the head. Deer may not be so different from horses after all, besides being twice as strong and 3 times as evil, because the second I turned to run, it hit me right in the back of the head and knocked me down.

Now, when a deer paws at you and knocks you down, it does not immediately leave. I suspect it does not recognize that the danger has passed. What they do instead is paw your back and jump up and down on you while you are laying there crying like a little girl and covering your head.

I finally managed to crawl under the truck and the deer went away. So now I know why when people go deer hunting they bring a rifle with a scope to sort of even the odds.

So there you go, Hope you had a good laugh.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

World's Strangest Buildings

Today I stumbled upon a site called This site is very interesting and is full of information and oddities. Today, I will display one of their most famous articles entitled "Top 33 World Strangest Buildings"

Stone House,GuimarĂ£es, Portugal

The Crooked House, Sopot, Poland

The Mind House, Barcelona, Spain

These are just the top three buildings. Thirty more are there for your enjoyment. Make sure that you visit other articles on I guarantee that you will not be disappointed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

You May Have Noticed......

You may have noticed that there have been quite a few advertisements on my site lately. The reason for this is simple. I want to get my website out to more readers, to help spread humor and amazement wherever I go. But, in order to get more readers, I have to pay for advertising. So, I have chosen to advertise with Entrecard, CMFads, Project Wonderful, and Adgitize. These four programs have taken my page views from about 10 per day to over 100 per day in just 2 weeks. Not to mention the extra money is nice. I may take down some of the ads as soon as my readership picks up, but for now, they have to remain.

If you have any recommendations on how I can pick up a couple of extra dollars, so I can remove the ads, I welcome any comments.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Stuff I've Learned on TV

1. The ventilation system of any building is the perfect hiding place. No one will ever think of looking for you in there, and you can travel to any other part of the building you want without difficulty.
2. You're very likely to survive any battle in any war unless you make the mistake of showing someone a picture of your sweetheart back home,
3. Should you wish to pass yourself off as a German officer, it is not necessary to speak the language. A German accent will do.
4. A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating but will wince when a woman tries to clean his wounds. That will finish in a sex scene.
5. If staying in a haunted house, women must investigate any strange noises in their most diaphaous underwear, which is just what they happened to be carrying with them at the time the car broke down.
6. If a large pane of glass is visible, someone will be thrown through it before long.
7. If someone says, "I'll be right back", they won't.
8. Computer monitors never display a cursor on screen but always say: "Enter Password Now".
9. It is not necessary to say hello or goodbye when beginning or ending phone conversations. And none of your friends have to knock when they come for a visit. In addition, every front door can be opened from the outside without having to use a key.
10. Even when driving down a perfectly straight road, it is necessary to turn the steering wheel vigorously from left to right every few moments.
11. All bombs are fitted with electronic timing devices with large red readouts so you know exactly when they're going to go off.
12. A detective can only solve a case once he has been suspended from duty.
13. If you decide to start dancing in the street everyone around you will automatically be able to mirror all the steps you come up with and hear the music in your head.
14. Police departments give their officers personality tests to make sure they are deliberately assigned a partner who is their total opposite.
15. When they are alone, all foreigners prefer to speak English to each other.
16. Any bullet from a handgun has enough force to throw a full-grown man ten feet back.
17. Characters will always find a parking space right in front of the building they're going to even in a large metropolitan city where parking is basically impossible.
18. Characters at a bar or at a restaurant table will always get the attention of a server at the exact moment they need to order.
19. When a gift/present is given, the top is wrapped separately from the rest of the box and it lifts straight off so that there is never any ripping or fumbling with wrapping paper.
20. A chase scene on foot in a city always has a shot of one of the characters running into the street, nearly being hit by a car screeching to a halt at which point the driver flails his arm out the window and yells an expletive.
21. Anytime a character in an awful rush confronts another character curious about his predicament, the first one says, "There's no time to explain," and then explains anyway.
22. No matter how slow zombies walk they will always catch up.
23. The bad guy will always throw his gun at you to indicate he has run out of bullets.
24. A candle or table lamp can light a whole room and at night time, it's blue.
25. If the main guy is in love with the main girl, he will always get her in the end, even if she's married. If she is married, her husband will always say "oh well, if it makes you happy"... and he'll never go to beat the crap out of the other guy.
26. If you are in a film, it is easy for you to master the skill of controling any vehicle you need, weather it be landing a plane, for example.
27. Everybody when needing a computer can type supper fast and never need to hit the space bar!
28. Computers never freeze or crash, unlike in the real world.
29. The computers have super duper graphics programes which can zoom into blurs in fotos to make them super clear!
30. The best way to get laid is to put on some slow jazz music.
31. Everytime the "hero" is sneeking into the bad guy's room, checking secret files on the computer:
1a. The password is already typed in.
1b. The password is very simple.
2. There appears a very slow bar saying "copying", "deleting" or "printing" and it is finished just before the bad guy, the security guard or the mexican cleaner comes in.
3. In addition to your non-booting computer, they are also turned off in a flash.
4. All the characters, even the blonde bimbo's put in to lure us to the cinema, became all-knowing super-mega-nerds once behind a computer. They always know what to do and how to avoid things.
32. Good guys never panic, they stay cool at point black range, and bluff their way out with the "you could surely use me in your plan" crap.
33. Heavy guns, for example on helicopters, cause cosmetic damage to the hero's transport, but one bullet makes the chopper blow up.
34. Text appearing on a computer monitor appears letter by letter and making a sound as if it was produced by a typewriter.
35. You can find whatever you want on the net in a matter of seconds.
36. If in a battle scene a bad guy actually manages to shoot a good guy, the good guy's friend has the time to listen to his friend's dying speech. Once dead, the friend stands up and shoots the correct bad guy (amongst a whole host of bad guys). The bad guy has apparently been sitting around just waiting to be shot!!
37. No Australian movie is complete without one of this:
1. A Kangaroo.
2. A Boomerang.
3. Ayers Rock.
4. A Koala.
5. All of the above.
38. When someone uses a TV remote it makes a clicking sound that is impossible to replicate by existing remotes.
39. When gunfire erupts in public places and cops respond instantly to it, they're usally killed by the first shots.
40. When gunfire erupts in public, where there are no cops, they take forever to arrive, but they can still chase the gunmen.
41. Detectives can watch a drug deal (carried out furtively in a shop doorway) go down from a distance of five yards away by the simple expedient of sitting in a car with a newspaper raised to eye level.
42. Cats always make a noise. If someone is creeping into a house and is momentarily scared by a cat, it always has to meow before running off.
43. A woman being chased by a murderer will always fall over, either because she's running in stilettos or is ridiculously clumsy.
44. Serial killers never just die... they will remain still for ages so that the hero is fooled and walks right past them... at which point the killer grabs their ankle and then keeps fighting.
45. It is possible to drive safely for long periods with your head turned completely away from the road ahead, either in conversation or looking at a map.
46. People brush their teeth before eating breakfast but not afterwards, at which point they run out the door with a piece of toast in their mouth.
47. Aussie accents in American films always sound like a mix of Cockney, South African and New Zealander. And they say things like "Streuth!" and "Blimey!"
48. The bad guy's sexy girl will try to seduce the good guy, then when that fails will beat him up using martial arts. That while wearing skintight leather, lycra and stilettos.
49. Women can never find their car keys while being pursued by a killer. Once they do find them, it takes them ages to fumble the keys into the ignition, giving the killer enough time to reach the car and pound on the window.
50. Somehow cars take several turns of the key to start but only when someone is chasing you.
51. Every bad guy knows how to tie really complicated knots... which somehow the good guy manages to untie.
52. A person investigating strange noises in their house always finds that the lights don't work, then stumble around in the dark rather than getting a torch. At least one of the noises they hear will turn out to be made by a cat.
53. When a cat eats a fish, it leaves the skeleton perfectly reserved and intact.
54. Dogs always bark at ghosts.
55. Vicious guard dogs can be easily distracted with a piece of steak.
56. Mice can somehow fashion a perfectly semi-circular entrance to their dwelling.
57. A small goat is capable of propelling a fully grown man through the air by butting him in the ass with it's horns.
58. Many animals, when they consume alcohol, will take on human drunken characteristics, usually to the sound of a trombone being played.
59. Anytime a person is expecting a bad guy to jump out at them, often they'll sigh in relief when it's just the cat, or the wind, or a tree branch against the window. But as soon as they let their guard down and laugh at their "silliness", they're going to be attacked by the bad guy that really was there after all.
60. When someone puts a baby down to bed, that baby coos and smiles, and then just goes right off to sleep. It's amazing.
61. If someone jumps off a bridge into a river, lake, etcetera, the water will always be deep enough to keep them from getting hurt. But when a bad guy falls from a river, he/she's good as gone.
62. Police officers never wait for back-up.
63. The only time people do say hello on the telephone is when it turns to be the bad guy on the other end of line calling to torment them.
64. Bad things usually happen to women who are alone in the house on stormy nights.
65. If you are driving somewhere on any other route other than a city roadway, you will probably have that road all to yourself and will not pass or be passed by another vehicle.
66. In the movies everyone seems to have some odd "L shaped" sheets on their beds able to cover a woman up to her neck and her partner up to his waste.
67. Being around a bomb causes time to slow down.
68. Bad guys die instantly, good guys die slowly.
69. When the good guy is being attacked by a gang, they will run at him one at a time while the rest stay (in the case of ninjas, dance) around in a menacing manner, allowing him to kick all of their asses by the time the scene is over.
70. Most of police investigations will require at least one visit to a strip club.
71. You can jump from a tall building and land on mattresses, a pile of boxes, or a dumpster full of garbage and, though you might groan and be a little slow getting up, you will not sustain any serious injury.
72. It's very easy to fool the security guards at highly top secret government institutions.
73. It's very easy for a computer hacker to break a security code and find just the information he's looking for in less than a minute.
74. If you're a criminal mastermind, you cannot just shoot the hero in the back, you have to tie him up and wait for some diabolical machine to finish the hero off and you can't wait around to make sure it works, which allows the hero a chance to escape, which he always does because apparently no bad guy ever got his knot tying badge in the boy scouts.
75. When an ugly girl takes off her glasses, gets a haircut, and puts on nice clothes she is suddenly very hot.
76. No matter who you are calling, no matter what time you are making the call, the person you're calling will always answer the phone, usually after only one or two rings. Of course, this assumes you aren't running from a killer while trying to make a call on a cell phone, in which case there is a 100% chance that either the battery will be dead or you won't be able to get a signal.
77. Whenever you put on a seatbelt, you will get into an accident.
78. The good guy always has the cooler cell phone.
79. If you chase someone through a park you will never step in dog poop or chewing gum, but you will always step on someone's picnic.
78. No matter how crowded the bar is, there are always extra stools available right in front of a bartender who is just standing there waiting for someone to order.
80. People who oversleep and get woken up by phone calls go straight to work without making the bed, but when they get home at night, their bed is made.
81. People in movies rarely have to shave, and whenever a guy does shave, he will be interrupted while half finished, and will wipe the remaining shaving cream off with a towel. Of course, even the part he didn't get to shave will be perfectly smooth.
82. When a good guy enters a house, he/she will avoid every shot of machine gun fire while killing a lot of bad guys. He/she doesn't need to reload his pistol until he runs out of ammo, which coincidentially happens when the main bad guy appears, at which point he fights him/her hand to hand.
83. In battle, a normal peon soldier is shot with one bullet and instantly drops dead to the ground, while the protagonist in said battle can be shot in various places by multiple shooters, and survive with a few bandages and a cast.
84. It doesn't matter who you call, if they choose not to answer their phone you will get their voicemail in less than 1.5 rings.
85. A devious villain will immediately shoot a non-important character whenever needed without hesitation. However when he finally has the chance to kill the hero seeking to craft his doom, he will undoubtedly hold a firearm trained on said protagonist for at least 90 seconds while performing a well-written soliliquoy. This delay is all the hero needs to escape.
86. When a woman is being pursued by a scary serial killer that she knows is in her house, she will always run upstairs instead of out of the house.
87. You can break into any house or door with a credit card.
88. The bad guy will always tell the good guy every detail about his masterplan instead of just shooting him.
89. Whenever a guy and a girl hop into a bed together in three seconds the girl will start moaning and will be close to climaxing. Plus the guy will always put a minimal effort, after all she will still be screaming and moaning away.
90. When someone has stopped breathing and has no pulse, simply breathing into her mouth twice and looking extremely distressed while screaming "DON'T YOU DIE ON ME!" will bring her back to life immediately.
91. In a TV episode where someone will probaly die, there's always an extra character that no one has ever seen before to kill him.
92. Aliens will always have more advanced techonology than us.
93. When you turn on the tv, the news will always be on.
94. People never obey warnings.
95. There's always a corrupt police officer.
96. Movie theatres and drive-ins only show classic horror movies.
98. If you meet a member of the opposite sex, and you both hate each other... don't worry... you'll eventually fall in love with each other.
99. Major disasters always happen in New York.
100. The President is always very considerate and well-spoken. Not to mention he always is able to fly a jet fighter when needed.

Originally published by elpaquilloloco at Here is the original LINK

Sunday, November 1, 2009

EC Thank You

As you may know, about two weeks ago I started using Entrecard to help the exposure of my blog. Needless to say, it works!!! My traffic has doubled in the last two weeks. Mainly this is due to people coming by to drop their "card" on my site. Here is a list of top droppers for the month of October.

Sound Sans Sense

Until your sound touches my senses and engages my mind, we will remain an alien to each others world.

Aspects In Life

This blog contains various topics that involves finding discounts online, natural healing, and other situations.

Picture to People

Researches about Computer Graphics. New free software for graphics. Hot free graphic effects.

Blog Tipz

A collection of blogging news, resources, and tips to help you improve your blog.

Memories Of You

I'm an amateur photographer just learning the ropes. I'm loving every aspect of the art and my learning adventure. Most of the pictures are taken with a Sony SLR or a Nikon D-80. Stop by for a visit. I'd love to hear from you.

My Heart Voice

This is the place I go when I have a story to tell, or a memory to voice. This is "My Heart Voice" and I want to share it with you.

Country Farm De Alfonso: A Dad's Dead Dream Comes Alive

The farm died with its dreamer until two dreamers decided to resurrect it.

I am Ramon, 49 years old writing for to share my experiences, frustrations, happiness, success as a Father to my 5 healthy and Lovely creatures called Son’s and Daughter’s.


The mumblings of a temperamental girl about life and all its interesting bits and pieces...

Stuff and Nonsense

Some of the nonsense in Joel Klebanoff's brain is funny. Some of it is not. Stuff & Nonsense contains mostly the former.

If you didn't make the Top 10 List I still wish to thank you for visiting my site. Just remember, I will post the top 10 every month. The more you visit, the greater you chances of being on the list (shameless bribery, I Know....whatever works!)